Thursday, July 12, 2012

An Invitation

I've often heard it said that once a writer finds that all-important first sentence the rest will write itself.  I don't know how true that maxim is, but I do know the difficulty of finding words that accurately convey your thoughts, feelings, and impressions. I am not a author, nor do I claim to be a particularly adept writer by any means.  However, as I wander through life, meeting new people and exploring new places, I frequently feel the urge, "the Call," to write down what I see, what I hear, and what I feel.

This blog is meant to be an empty canvas, waiting for my thoughts to spew forth.  The primary subject of this blog will be my travels: the places I go, the foods I try, the people I meet, and the impressions I have along the way.  I cannot promise that you will find the subject matter especially insightful or worth your time, or that I will even frequently post on this site, but I do promise that the words you will read will be heartfelt and, to some degree, inspired. When I feel "called" to write, I will.  I've been extremely blessed in life to travel.  I believe that my explorations have shaped me into the man I have become today.  I also feel that it would be very selfish of someone so blessed to be so secretive and closed about what he has experienced.  So, come along with me, have your eyes opened to the world around you, as I begin Retracing My Footprints.

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