Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hafa Adai! Traveling Back to Micronesia

Hafa Adai!

For those of you unfamiliar with the ubiquitous Guamanian welcome greeting, hafa adai is pronounced "half-a-day," and I begin this blog post with that phrase because I AM ON GUAM!! Wow! It's still hard to believe. I spent the majority of my mission on the absolutely wonderful island of Pohnpei (we'll get there Friday!), but I also lived on Palau and Guam. I left Guam, and Micronesia, for good on June 11, 2010. I've always drempt of going back, but until today, a dream is all it was. I'm truly blessed to have the opportunity to come back.  That fact isn't lost on me.

I left Seattle Monday morning on Hawaiian Airlines, flew 5+ hours in coach class, enjoyed a delightful breakfast of fruit, cheese and crackers, and chocolate macadamia nuts (yes, Hawaiian still serves complimentary meals), and landed in Honolulu around mid-day.  After a quick lunch at a Panda Express knock-off, I sat in the waiting lounge for my flight to Guam - the same flight I took on my first and only other trip to Micronesia. The waiting area was a tiny demographic model of Guam itself: military families returning from leave, suited government officials, Asian tourists ready to hit Tumon Bay and its attractions, Chamorro families returning home, and Micronesians speaking quietly amongst themselves in many of the languages of the islands.

The first real BAM! moment in which I realized I was truly going to Micronesia came as the flight attendants announced that smoking and bettlenut were not allowed on-board. Good luck hearing that on a flight from Boston to St Louis.

My first two impressions upon reaching Guam:
1) Wow, Guam is even smaller than I remember. (And Guam is the largest island in all of Micronesia!)
2) Oppressive humidity and heat! Even after-dark it is unbearable. Man, I've missed that!

I'd love to include more on this post, but it is late, and I haven't slept in almost 24 hours. Time to fuel-up for tomorrow! I can't wait.


United #201 Honolulu-Guam

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! Keep up the blogging. I am, very happily, living vicariously through you for this vacation. If you see Patrick and little Chance give them a big, big hug from me and tell them that I poakpoakeirail!

