Sunday, November 16, 2014

Micronesia: Why I Have Returned to Writing

Tomorrow I leave on an adventure rooted in 4 years, 5 months, and 5 days of unapologetic nostalgia. Tomorrow I, finally, return to the beautiful islands of Micronesia!

But first, let me explain why I have returned to my blog (this blog) after a long absence. I am generally hesitant to write much about, or post pictures from, or generally acknowledge my travels on Facebook or other social media. While I enjoy social media, I realize that it can be a cause of jealousy and self-pity, a trap I too often fall into. I don't want to appear as braggadocios or arrogant, and as a result I tend to keep a lot of the neat experiences I enjoy to myself. That said, several people have asked me to keep them updated on where I go. They'd like to see pictures and follow along for the ride. I post pictures on Facebook from time-to-time for that reason, but I have done so reluctantly.

My little sister (Hi Emily!) asked me today if I would be updating my blog at all on this trip. I replied, quite succinctly I might add, "no." She then changed her tune and asked if I would should our dogs request it. I said I would, but only if they verbally asked me to write on my blog. Well, a miracle of miracles occurred tonight, and Misha (allegedly) asked (in remarkably clear and American-accented English) that I update my blog while traveling this week. So, true to my word, I will be posting to this forum from time-to-time as I explore Guam and visit friends on Pohnpei. It may not end up being an every-day sort of thing. It likely won't, especially on Pohnpei, as I don't always know what my access to internet will be like. But, I will try, and I will try to not feel guilty about doing so.

So, if you'd like, you're welcome to follow along! If you fear that reading about my adventures will cause too much jealousy (as I know I would feel, should I be the one reading about another's vacation), then please feel free to ignore me for the next week.  Whether you do or do not follow my trip through Micronesia this week, remember that there are new places and people and things right in your own backyard. Have fun!

We leave in the morning.


Misha, the Dog That Speaks (and the dog that needs a grooming, and soon)

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